ANGLER Technologies India Pvt Ltd Apps

My Hospital Advisor 1.1.1
My Hospital Advisor is an online healthcarediscovery platform, born with the intent to provide healthcareconsumers (patients & care givers) an easy access to search andaccess the various healthcare provider (Hospitals/ Clinics,Diagnostics, Doctors) options available on-the-go with the addedadvantage of reviewing and rating a health care provider.MHA mobile app provides its users the following features,** Allows users to search for health care service providers by*** Speciality*** Name (Hospital, Clinic, Diagnostic Centre, Doctors)*** Geographical location** Provides detailed information regarding the health careservice providers, with images of the facilities available** Allows users to post reviews and ratings based on theirexperienceUsers can read the reviews of others, this will help user toanalyze & know the experiences of other patientsMore info about us at
TiEcon Coimbatore 1.5
TiEcon Coimbatore 2014 event guaranteeseverysingle entrepreneur a place to gain knowledge, educate, unite&explore. Join over 400 participants and take part in richexchangewith an active group of ambitious people, businessowners,investors, industry executives, and thought pioneers.TiEcon Coimbatore 2014 is an interactive mobile app fortheTiEcon Coimbatore 2014 event to be held on 15th March atTheResidency Hotel, Coimbatore, India.TiEcon Coimbatore 2014 mobile app allows you to:** View schedule of the conference and select your favorites** Access the full agenda about speaker information,organizers,sponsors, interactive maps** Send instant queries & feedback to the event organizers&other speakers** Get entire information about the event happenings,trendingtopics, event photographs, and more** Post “Ratings” to your favorite speakers, awesome eventsessionsand to other associates and share them with yoursocialnetworks.** Develop your business network, socialize and have fun.Enjoy the application and have an extraordinary event!Visit: toknowmore.TiEcon Coimbatore 2014 App was built on ShowTime - EventAppplatform, developed by ANGLER TECHNOLOGIES, an ISO 9001offshoresoftware development company. ANGLER specializes inoffering IToutsourcing services, outsourced product development,mobileapplication development, e-business, design, multimediasolutions& more.
MyRunTracker 1.0.4
MyRunTracker is an innovative, feature-richand‘Ready-to-Go’ Mobile App exclusively developed for bothMarathonOrganizers and passionate Runners.MyRunTracker has already partnered with leadingMarathonOrganizers allowing to provide a personalized mobile appfor theirevent’s runners and provide additional individual reachfor theirsponsors.Key Solution Offerings1. For Marathon Organizers:** ‘Ready-to-Go’ App for Marathon Event Organizers** Easy customization of Event and Organizers logo on theMobileApp** Manage ‘Event’ and ‘Sponsors’ information via admin panel** Interactive Photo Gallery to upload past events, promo eventsandother PR photos** View race results in leader board along with theRankingpositions and Finish time** Social sharing of updates in Facebook with event organizers&select sponsors link to drive traffic2. For Runners** Start your run & track your route with time,distance& pace** Increase endurance, length of workouts and calories burned** Measure your running performance over time** View a detailed history of your activities (runs,walks,etc.)** View the route taken in interactive GPS map** Audio alerts for time or distance milestones based onuserpreferred settings** Measure your progress history against your goals&targets** Browse through the fun filled moments viainteractiveGallery** Post your workouts and activity status (map, distance,calories,and time) to Facebook and Twitter and share your runningexperiencewith your friends** View reports of traveled route, distance traveled, time,averagespeed, calories burned and much more stats over timeJoin us today and become part of MyRunTracker community.Whetheryou're looking to organize a Marathon event, run for amarathon,improve your health & stay fit by burning up yourcalories,MyRunTracker is a great choice for you.Download the free MyRunTracker app now!Be sure to visit us online at for thefullexperience.
CYT 1.0.1
CYT – the unique first-of-its-kind app hasbeenlaunched to bring the aspiring youth of Coimbatore in directcontactand connect with the successful achiever entrepreneurs andprovideaccess to rich, interactive, informative, and inspiringcontent andto create a multi-faceted communication channel tooffer news aboutevents & the latest updates from CYTcommunity.Coimbatore Young Turks (CYT) is a social organization oftheyouth of Coimbatore, for the youth of Coimbatore and by theyouthof Coimbatore committed to:- Building a network of young aspiring entrepreneurs,emergingambitious entrepreneurs and successful achieverentrepreneurs inCoimbatore- Making innovation centred entrepreneurship a primary careerchoicethat is recognized and celebrated by the society at largeinCoimbatore- Embedding entrepreneurship coaching and mentoring deeply intotheeveryday life and walk of society in CoimbatoreCYT gives you access to the e-version of YOUNG TURKS-thecoffeetable book on 18 achiever Entrepreneurs from Coimbatore.YiCoimbatore in partnership with Times of India andCoimbatoreInnovation and Business Incubator (CIBI) proudly launchedthiscoffee table book to celebrate and commemorate the achievementsofselect young entrepreneurs of Coimbatore. The inspiringlifestories and entrepreneurial journeys of select nominees eachunderthe age of 45 years are presented in 2 categories namely,Explorersand Path Breakers.Explorers are enterprising first generation youngentrepreneurialleaders who have created high potential businessescharacterized byinnovative technologies, attractive businessmodels, meaningfulemployment or sustainable wealth creation;Path Breakers are pioneering young leaders comingfromestablished business families having expanded intounchartedterritory building transformational growth businesses innewtechnologies, markets and industriesCYT is the single window that connects YOUTH of Coimbatore totheworld of entrepreneurship.For the youth of Coimbatore, Entrepreneurship is only just aclickaway!
Pitkrew - Garage 1.0.1
Our breakdown Garage app will make yourjobeasier in providing quick & better Roadside Assistanceserviceto your existing and new customers, Anytime & Anywhere.You canalso Manage your mechanics for breakdown services with thehelp ofour app. Keep watching for another version of this app whichwillhave all the other Garage Services.
Pitkrew - Mechanic 1.0.1
Our breakdown mechanic app will make yourjobeasier in providing quick & better Roadside Assistanceserviceto your existing and new customers- Anytime & Anywhere.Keepwatching for another version of this app which will have alltheother Garage Services.